MUDr. Marek Dvořák

MUDr. Marek Dvořák Discussion with Marek Dvořák - Between Heaven and Patient

Doctor of emergency medicine. He's wanted to be an ER doctor since he was a kid. Today, as he says, all his dreams have come true. He works in the ground and air ambulance as well as in the emergency room of the largest Czech hospital. In his spare time, he enjoys MMA combat sports and also tries to spread the word about his love for emergency medicine on his instagram.

Marek Orko Vácha

Marek Orko Vácha Discussion with Marek Orko Vácha - Ethics in Healthcare

Roman Catholic priest, natural scientist, teacher, writer, scout, parish priest in the parish of Lechovice near Znojmo and also chaplain of the academic parish at the Church of the Holy Saviour in Prague. He is the head of the Institute of Ethics at the Third Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague. He graduated in molecular biology and genetics at the Faculty of Science of the Masaryk University in Brno and in theology in Olomouc and Brussels. He participated in two expeditions to Antarctica (1997 and 2000). He lived for six months in a Trappist monastery in France (2002). He is the author of more than twenty books, including Unsolicited Advice to Youth (2017), which has been widely acclaimed. In November 2018, he published another title, The Joy of God, and in 2019 a book interview, Driving in the Left Lane.

Radek Ptáček

Radek PtáčekModern mental health care (not only) for physicians and staff.

The first professor of medical psychology in the Czech Republic, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist. He has long been involved in the broadest issues of mental health and linking the findings of psychology and medicine. He focuses on ethical and forensic aspects of these fields. He works at the Psychiatric Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. He has published more than 200 original scientific papers in domestic and foreign journals, which have received more than 2000 quotations in domestic and especially foreign scientific literature. He is the principal investigator or co-investigator of a number of scientific and social grants and projects in the social field. He is a member of the editorial boards of several major international journals. He is actively involved in popularization of science and topics related to mental and physical health. He is an invited speaker at national and international scientific events

Monika Dudová

Monika DudováPresenter of Orion hit radio

She's been a presenter for 20 years. She has experience in both radio and television formats. She works mainly in Ostrava and Prague. She has her own podcast and people may also know her from festivals such as FM City Fest or Baník 100fest. And the most important thing - she loves this job